The Academy of Theatrical Combat offers swordplay and hand-to-hand combat training for action actors, stunt performers, and anyone interested in learning about movie fights.
Students begin at the basic level, covering safety and the primary techniques of hand-to-hand combat, rolls and falls, cutlass, broadsword, and quarterstaff. Intermediate and advanced students continue mastering and learning more advanced applications for all these disciplines as well as moving on to double cutlass, single rapier, rapier and dagger, smallsword, and katana.
All students train in learning choreography and quickly bringing fights to a performance level. Students perform for camera regularly and receive feedback from both New York City and Hollywood Fight Coordinators.
Personal training and private lessons are also available.
Please join our Facebook Group and/or sign up for our mailing list for updates about future classes and workshops.
The Academy of Theatrical Combat & SAGA Action Arts have teamed up to present, THE ACTION HERO ACADEMY, a collaborative training experience for actors and stunt performers looking to master multiple disciplines of combat, action performance, and acting for film and television.
Visit for more information about all our combat and actor services.
Master the art of performing sword combat for TV, Film & Stage.
This ongoing, mixed-level class focuses on sword combat techniques AND the acting skills necessary to create character-driven sword fighting scenes that build a sense of danger & excitement.
New students begin at the basic level, covering safety and the primary techniques of Broadsword (Game of Thrones, The Witcher, LOTR) and Cutlass/Single Sword (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Duelist, Hook). Intermediate and advanced students continue mastering these weapons along with quarterstaff, double cutlass, single rapier, rapier and dagger, smallsword, katana, and more. Students perform for camera in every class, including filmed fight scenes that receive feedback from professional Hollywood Fight Coordinators.
PLEASE NOTE: New students must begin classes on the first Wednesday of the month.
7 – 9pm
Master the art of performing hand-to-hand combat for TV, Film & Stage.
Co-taught by the Academy of Theatrical Combat & Saga Action Arts, this mixed-level class focuses on unarmed combat AND the acting skills necessary to portray realistic combat and violence for any genre of TV, Film & Stage.
Students begin by building a foundation in safety mechanics and the performance techniques of punches, kicks, blocks, rolls, falls, throws, grappling, etc. Intermediate and advanced students build on these basics in order to master more complex fight sequences, as well as learn to choreograph their own theatrical fights. Students perform for camera in every class, including filmed fight scenes that receive feedback from professional Hollywood Fight Coordinators.
11am – 1pm
All classes are ongoing and new students are accepted at the beginning of each month.
ONE TRACK: $150 per month (4 classes)
BOTH TRACKS: $250 per month (8 classes)
*Referral/SAG/Equity Discounts available.
$405 – 10% OFF 3-months of Action Hero Academy classes. Deal includes one class per week. Students may select ONE Action Hero track (Brawls + Falls, Kali Weapons, or Hollywood Sword Fighting.)
*You must be a new student to register for this deal.
Private and semi-private lessons are available in any discipline the Academy offers.
Email Us to book a private lesson.
Workshops are also available for high schools and universities.
Contact us for more information.
Class Fight Performances & Training Videos
Brawls & Falls Training
Level Two Exam Fights
Level One Exam Fights
Historical Exam Fights
Curriculum includes:
Weapons Combat
(Cutlass/Sabre, Broadsword, Rapier & Dagger, Smallsword, Quarterstaff, and more)
Hand to Hand Combat
Throws & Grappling
Rolls & Falls
Katana and Kali Stick Fighting are also incorporated into the training at Theatrical Combat NYC but are not a formal part of the curriculum.